Select Recycled Parts Supplier Tab Screen

Use this screen to view supplier, vehicle, and part information of the recycled part.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Supplier Information This includes the supplier name, contact, address, and phone information.
Vehicle Information This is vehicle information supplied by the supplier. It indicates the year/make/model, odometer, VIN, and engine description.
Part Information This includes information for the part offered by the supplier. Description, stock ID, cost, part grade, vehicle primary/secondary damage codes, damage repair in labor hours, measurement type, and method of payment.

Cost $

This is the cost as recorded in the recycled parts database. You can change the cost in this field. The value you enter will override the database value, and will appear on the estimate if you select the part.

Markup %

This is the Markup percentage for Recycled parts as recorded in the Estimating rules for your system. This is taken from the Estimating Rules set up for your system.

You can change the markup percentage that is displayed in this field. If you do change it, the value you enter will override the default value taken from the Estimating Rules.

Price $

This amount is calculated as Cost + Cost*Markup/100, rounded to nearest cent. This field is calculated from the Cost $ and Markup % fields. You do not have access to this field.

Labor Hours, Refinish Hours

These fields are the labor and refinish Labor hours you selected in the Recycled Assembly field. These data are taken from the Recycled Crash Estimating Guide. You can change the hours in these fields. The hours you enter will override any default values.

RACED Guide This option opens the MOTOR Recycled Assemblies Guide to Estimating.
OK Select this option to add the recycled assembly information to the estimate lines.
Cancel Selecting this option closes the screen without saving.

See Also

Selecting Recycled Parts







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